Why Acupuncture Is Going Mainstream In Medicine


Not so long ago, it was difficult to find licensed acupuncturists. Although this centuries-old alternative treatment is highly respected within the world of holistic healing, it was brushed aside by conventional medicine for years. It wasn’t until the last decade or so that acupuncture became more readily available to the average person. Since then, athletes, […]

Can You Exercise After Acupuncture?


If you’re an athlete, you know that acupuncture can be an invaluable tool. Regular sessions improve flexibility and increase your range of motion. Acupuncture also treats musculoskeletal imbalances, allowing you to move your body synergistically so you can avoid injury. Overall, acupuncture is a great way to relax your muscles after an intense training session […]

Can You Get Acupuncture And Massage Together? 

Alternative medicine focuses on supportive therapies that encourage the body to heal itself. These therapies are gentle in nature, and their effects can be subtle, but they become compounded over time. So although holistic treatments can help in the short term, these treatments need to be repeated regularly if you want to experience their long-term […]